I was thrilled to have Holy and Unruly named one of 16 finalists (out of about 400 total submissions) for the 2019 Ashland New Plays Festival in Ashland, Oregon. My parents were regulars back in the day at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, so that made the recognition doubly meaningful.
Holy and Unruly did not make the final four, so the play was not performed at the festival in October. But what an honor to be named a finalist and make the list, below (which does not include the four winners: Michael Gotch for Starter Pistol; David Johnston, for Pelicans; Tira Palmquist for The Way North; and Joshua Rebell for The Night Climber).

As you can see, I submitted an earlier draft under a slightly different title. The play has continued to develop, and I’m hopeful it will find its way into production in 2020!
You can read, recommend or request rights to produce Holy and Unruly and my other plays at New Play Exchange.